

 Elevating Products and Services: An Annual Survey Success Story with American Publishing Services

American Publishing Services (APS) is a leading provider of author services and publishing solutions in the industry. Committed to continuous improvement and expanding their customer base, APS envisioned an annual survey as a powerful tool to gather insights and enhance their offerings. Their unique approach included inviting both existing clients and potential customers (non-clients) to participate in the survey. For clients, the focus was on product feedback and service evaluation, while non-clients were targeted with questions aimed at understanding their hesitation and uncovering opportunities for conversion.

Research Approach

Alta Analytics teamed up with American Publishing Services to establish a structured approach for annual survey success:

Planning and Goal Setting: We collaboratively defined specific objectives and KPIs for the annual survey. Clear goals provided a roadmap for the research process.

Survey Questionnaire Preparation: Our experts worked closely with APS to develop customized questionnaires tailored to each target group. The client-centric approach ensured that questions were purposeful, whether directed towards clients or non-clients.

Survey Implementation: Alta Analytics executed the annual survey seamlessly. Our strategies maximized participation from both existing clients and non-clients, ensuring comprehensive feedback.

Survey Response Processing: We meticulously processed and analyzed the survey responses, transforming the data into actionable insights.

Key Findings

Through this recurring collaboration, we unearthed insights that became catalysts for meaningful change:

For Existing Clients
For Non-Clients

Outcomes and Impact

The collaboration between Alta Analytics and American publishing services has brought a transformative impact in the way the client develops products and services that improves the quality of life of their customers.


This case study exemplifies how a data-driven approach, involving both existing clients and potential customers, can guide product and service enhancements, drive customer acquisition, and foster lasting business growth. To unlock similar possibilities for your organization, reach out to Alta Analytics for your market research needs today.